For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for the good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 NLT


Join me in expressing gratitude to a new person each week. For example… thank your Veterinarian and staff for providing care to your pet(s), thank your Pastors at church for their dedication each week, thank your spouse and family members for helping around the house.  For some people, these may be the only positive words they have heard for a while.


Thank you for your patience during my website redesign. I am excited to use the new options on the PtEnhance Super System to offer additional programs to inspire you to see your God-sized dreams come alive.

Here is a sample inspiration from my upcoming DOG LOVERS BOOK. May it warm your heart.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.                                                          ~Albert Einstein
 Dogs love to frolic in nature whether it is in the green grass or white snow. Shaylah rolls around in the grass or snow and loves to lay out and soak in the warmth of the sun. Dogs live in the present moment and live their lives with an open heart. Taking time for a walking meditation walk in nature with your dog heals your inner being and keeps you in the present moment. Meditation reduces stress hormones and is restorative and calming to the body and mind.
God created the heavens and the earth with his word. The beauty of nature is all around us. Notice the tranquility of nature when you are outside allowing the majestic and divine powers to refresh your spirit, soul and body.


 Transform and change your life in 2023.  A new chapter in your life is waiting for you. We cannot change our past but we can choose to give God our future. You have a choice to live your life the same way or you can make changes. What are your dreams? How do you envision your life in 2023? Ask God to reveal His will for your life in 2023 for He has a good plan for your life…a good good plan.
It’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.        -Abraham Lincoln
As you move forward towards your dream, life will teach you many lessons. Some will be challenging. Look at these challenges as opportunities. Enlarge your faith this year as life teaches you what you need to learn along the journey to turn your dreams into reality and live a purpose driven life. 
Keep a journal of your experiences to see and clarify what God has purposed for your life. A journal is your private and sacred place to express and write your dreams, goals, vision, passions, thoughts, insights and feelings.  I love to go back and read journals I have written over the years to see how God has worked and is still working in my life. Journaling is a powerful tool to express your thoughts, reflect on your life, make a plan, take action and see how God answered prayers. 
This is what prompted me to write and publish the JOURNAL to WHISPERS OF INSPIRATION FOR BUSY WOMEN. My hopes are for this companion journal to be a catalyst to move you closer to your dreams and capture the amazing plans God reveals to you along your journey. The book is in print or e-book format and the journal is a printed version. My prayer is for this book and companion journal to bless you and keep you moving forward towards your God-sized dreams.  Diffusing essential oils such as FRANKINCENSE will open your mind and enhance your journaling experience.
My book “Whispers of Inspiration for Busy Women – One Minute Inspirations to Refresh Your Mind, Body and Spirit” CLICK HERE TO ORDER is a great place to begin your next journey in life and is now also available as an e-book.  The companion journal is a wonderful addition to start this journey of self-discovery and self-care as you begin to discover God’s anointing on your life. Order yours today on Amazon.
NEW COMPANION JOURNAL- “Whispers of Inspirations for Busy Women JOURNAL – One Minute Inspirations to Refresh Your Mind, Body and Spirit” is also available on AMAZON! ORDER YOURS TODAY AND SHARE THE INSPIRATION BY ORDERING ONE FOR A FRIEND~




Opportunities Along the Way
The anticipation and journey towards a goal or a dream can sometimes be more exciting than reaching your destination. Life teaches you what you need to learn along the journey to your dreams. There will be days when you take two steps forward and three steps back leading you to do a course correction in your life. This may cause you to focus on the obstacles and challenges along the way, resulting in discouragement and disbelief. Remember, God placed this dream in your heart and wants to give you the desires of your heart. As of today, begin to look at each obstacle or challenge as an opportunity to keep you moving forward towards your goals and dreams.
Take three deep diaphragmatic breaths to calm your mind and center your thoughts as you meditate on God’s word. Reflect upon the opportunities that brought you closer to your dreams.
Journal your thoughts about times when an obstacle you faced became an opportunity turning your dream into a reality.
Whispers of Gratitude…What three things are you grateful for today?
Blessings and Love from my Heart to Yours, Sandy

“Whispers of Inspiration for Busy Women”

Your Journey to an Abundance of Health and Prosperity Awaits

A Book and Journal to transform your spirit, soul and body
Soulful Sisters of Inspiration Circle and Podcast

Coming Soon

Inspiration and soul food for your spirit, soul and body
Essential oils for your spirit, soul and body


Soulful Sisters 

I believe God has placed dreams inside of your heart and he will orchestrate all of the circumstances necessary within your life to turn your dreams into a reality. It is time to DREAM BIG and ENLARGE YOUR FAITH as you listen to the quiet whispers God has placed within your heart. IT IS YOUR TIME!

I am committed and passionate about guiding women to restore their spiritual, physical and emotional health through natural health practices.  As a Soulful Wellness Professional, Author and Speaker, I specialize in soulful health for a woman’s Spirit, Soul and Body through various health and wellness programs and services. 

My passion or anointing is to personally live a healthy lifestyle and inspire others through fitness classes, books and educational sessions. I also have a heart and love for dogs, especially rescue dogs, which led me to write my book for Dog Lovers and pursue my oil painting skills to paint dog portraits. God is providing His light for each step I take as I follow promptings from the Holy Spirit to use my spiritual gifts and share what I have learned throughout my life with others. 

Designer Fitness LLC, dba Sandy Philbin- was originally established in 1988 as a Personal Training business in Spokane, WA. 

Over the years I have obtained the following:

C.H.E.K Institute Licensed Professional:

C.H.E.K Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level I 


ACE Gold Certified Personal Trainer

FiTOUR Pilates, Primary Barre, Group Exercise Instructor; Schwinn Indoor Cycling Coach


  • BS – Health and Physical Education – Pennsylvania State University
  • MA – Organizational Leadership with Human Resources Concentration -Gonzaga University

Soulful Health for Women

Coming soon! Online Wellness Courses for Women

15 seconds of calm and restoration

Relax and Restore
Protein Chocolate Squares
Aroma- therapy
Healing Power of Nature
Pilates with your Pooch
General: The information presented herein is in no way intended to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult with your medical or healthcare practitioner or veterinarian before making changes in your current health management program or using essential oils for you or your pet(s). All information presented on this website is presented based with the understanding that the publisher and author are not responsible for the misconception or misuse of the information provided.
Exercise: Not all exercises are suitable for everyone.  As with any exercise program, if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy or have any physical discomfort, stop immediately. You are responsible for exercising within your limits and seeking medical advice and attention as appropriate. Designer Fitness LLC and Sandy Philbin are not responsible for any injuries resulting from participation in the exercises shown on this website. 
Required Disclaimer: The information on this website is for information and educational purposes only and has not been reviewed by the FDA. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional healthcare or as a diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease.
Essential Oils: Information contained on this website is based solely on using Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. This information is not to be translated to other brands of essential oils. Other oils may be harmful to you or your pet’s health. Always refer to any precautions or limitations before using essential oils.
By accessing, utilizing and participating in any programs on this website you agree to adhere to the waivers and disclaimers and shall not hold Designer Fitness LLC or Sandy Philbin liable for any damages, misuse or injuries incurred.